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Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010

Motivation Stories

When I loves you...

When I love you...I can't give you reason why I love you...
I just know that you are so special....
When I love you,
when I'm angry...
when I'm in stress...
when I'm annoyed...
actually ...
I do those just for your good..
Maybe I don't know about stupid thing I've ever done....
But...I do those FOR YOU....

When I love you...
Maybe I rarely praise on you...
Deep in my mind...

When you don't reply back on my cell,,,
maybe I'll beef about you attitude... or I'll get angry with you...
But...I do that because I CARE TO YOU....
I don't want you get hurt...

When I love you...
I'll remember every words you say...accidentally or not...
Then I'll use those ones in right time...

When I love you...
I won't give you promises easily...
Because I won't break my promises...
I  want you to believe on me...
And I want to give you HAPPYNESS ever after...

When I love you...
Maybe I can't remember special events like birthday and other special ones...
I know that every moment I walk on...
I just want us being happy....

When I love you...
I'm not a person who easily say "I love you..."
I just prepare my love for you and I'm ready for you...
In the right time I'll say "I love you..."
Avoiding miss understanding which probably occur...
I want that you know that I love you so much baby....

Maybe I don't give you flowers everyday...
Maybe I don't invite you in candle light dinner every week...
And maybe I don't treat in expensing your needs...
I always care with your condition...
I'll do my best for you...
And I'll do anything in keeping you smiling...

When you are angry...
I won't call you...
Because I know that my explanation won't have any value when you are in bad emotion...
But I'll wait till you get calm down...
Then I'll call on you and explain everything...

When I love you...
I'll keep some little things on me...
Even though a little paper from you written " I'm comfort with you..."

When I love you...
I rarely say sweet words for you...
But I know I'll keep you form disturbance...
I'll make you feel comfort...
I'll make you feel save..
I'll make you get better in any condition with me...

(Other love aspect of my other pint of view...)
(Based on true love story)

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